What is our service fee?

Cryptocurrency Min service fee
Bitcoin 2% + 2×(Transaction Cost)
Ethereum 2% + 2×(Transaction Cost)
USDT(erc20) 2% + 2×(Transaction Cost)
Tron 2% + 2×(Transaction Cost)
USDT(trc20) 2% + 2×(Transaction Cost)
BNB 2% + 2×(Transaction Cost)

To prevent blockchain analysis based on minimal fee amounts, a floating miner's fee for transaction processing is being used instead.

During your first order you will be assigned a unique code that entitles you to a coinmixb2t6yjutmjyu2vkql6wuhn5p2mxexes7v6w3ry2duod3lf5yd.onion membership discount. This discount is automatically calculated depending on the volume of your operations. After each subsequent mixing operation, your discount will increase proportionally and automatically according to the table below:

Mixed coins amount * Discount Min service fee
0.1 – 1 10% 1.8%
1 – 10 20% 1.6%
10 – 50 30% 1.4%
50 – 100 40% 1.2%
100+ 50% 1.0%

* The discounts differ depending on the chosen cryptocurrency. For example, if you mix 0.1 BTC with CoinMix, you will get a 10% discount on the next BTC mix, but not on for mixing a coin other than BTC. Hence, to get a 10% discount on mixing using USDT you'll need to mix the minimal amount of of USDT coins specified in the table above.